Maintain your benefits for the supports you need. Keep your assets for the life you choose.

Helping people with disabilities keep their assets and live their most meaningful lives, while maintaining eligibility for NY state government benefits like Medicaid and SSI.

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Supplemental Needs Trusts

A person with a qualified disability in NYS can keep their assets for personal use and enjoyment without jeopardizing their benefit eligibility, by utilizing a Supplemental Needs Trust (SNT).

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Life Enrichment

The ability to shelter additional funds in an SNT means the freedom and independence to vacation, supplement housing, enjoy entertainment and other recreational activities benefits may not cover.

Why a Community (Pooled) Supplemental Needs Trust?

While benefits like NY State Medicaid support residential, health, and safety needs for individuals in NY State with disabilities, the ability to shelter additional funds in a community trust means the freedom and independence to vacation, supplement rent, enjoy entertainment and other recreational, life-enhancing activities that benefits do not cover.

Administering a Special or Supplemental Needs Trust can be more complicated than managing other trusts.

With a Community Supplemental Needs Trust, also known as Pooled SNT, a non-profit organization acts as Trustee. They handle investing funds, making payments, paying taxes, and keeping detailed financial records. This involves understanding government regulations and programs, including specific rules about using supplemental needs assets. Failing to follow these rules can jeopardize one’s eligibility for government benefits based on financial need.

Beneficiaries maintain their own private accounts for personal needs. The trustee “pools” the accounts together for management and investment purposes, allowing for greater diversity and lower administrative cost.

Individual Supplemental Needs Trust accounts that are pooled together in this manner are referred to as “Sub-Accounts”.

You do not need to be a member of a CCO to apply for or open an account with My Choice Trust.

A Few Highlights of our
Community Supplemental Needs Trust

Image of a girl with developmental disability working in wood shop

Preserve assets to enjoy activities that benefits do not cover.

Image of mother and child with a disability

Accounts of any size, opened at any age, cost-effectively managed.

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Managed by financial, legal, and special needs industry experts.


Image of a young couple

Documents already drafted and approved by NYS Medicaid and SSI.


About Us

My Choice Trust

My Choice Trust is sponsored by Coordinated Care Alliance NY (CCANY), a Management Service Organization born out of the collaboration of two NY State 501 (c)(3) non-profit Care Coordination Organizations – LIFEPlan CCO and ACA/NY.

Together, these Care Coordination Organizations, also known as CCOs, provide responsive, high-quality Care Management Services and support for more than 45,000 individuals with intellectual and/or other developmental disabilities throughout 48 counties in NY State.

*You do not need to be a member of a CCO to apply for or open an account with My Choice Trust.

ACA NY and LifePlan CCO logo images

The Mission of
My Choice Trust

Our mission is to protect and provide resources to assist people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in living their most healthy and meaningful lives, by safeguarding their assets for personal use and enjoyment, enabling them to qualify for and maintain eligibility for “means-tested” government benefits.

Means-tested benefits are benefits that impose an asset or income cap to qualify.

As a mission-forward organization, we will continuously strive to provide innovative programs and resources in efforts to assist individuals and families in achieving their goals, flourish as members in their communities, and live their most meaningful lives.

My Choice Trust Purpose

To provide a cost-effective and streamlined process whereby individuals with disabilities throughout NY State, who have excess resources, can shelter those assets for personal use and enjoyment.

These funds can be used as a supplement to what government benefits cover, while maintaining their eligibility for benefits, such as Medicaid and SSI, which have income and asset caps.

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Person with a qualifying disability wishes to apply for government benefits, like NYS Medicaid.

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Government benefits fund shelter, medical and dental care, assistive devices, programs and more.

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To qualify for and maintain eligibility for these benefits, one must not exceed restrictive asset limits.

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If one needs to shelter assets above benefit limits in order to qualify for or maintain these benefits, there are options.

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Disbursements from the SNT can be requested for the sole benefit of the beneficiary to supplement items that benefits do not cover.

Trust Overview

Understanding Supplemental Needs Trusts

Anyone eligible for income and asset capped (known as means-tested) government benefits, that has or will be receiving assets above the eligibility limits, can quickly and easily open an account, protect these funds to utilize throughout their lifetime, and avoid denial or interruption of benefits.

  • To qualify for NYS Medicaid and/or Supplemental Security Income benefits, one must have a qualifying disability as defined by the Social Security Administration.
  • Additionally, there are limits to the amount of money one can have in their name.
  • If someone should acquire additional resources that puts them above these limits, they would be in danger of losing these benefits.
  • Opening a supplemental needs trust account would enable one to shelter these excess resources and keep them safe for personal and recreational use throughout their lifetime. They can supplement services they are receiving through government benefits, and still maintain eligibility for benefits.
Medicaid Resource Limits
Monthly Income Assets
Individual <$1,732 <$31,175
Married Both Applying <$2,351 <$42,312
Married One Applying (Applicant) <$1,732 <$31,175
Married One Applying
<$2,351 <$42,312
SSI Resource Limits
Individual <$1,971 <$2,000
Married – Combined <$2,915 <$3,000

*SSI does not factor separate limits or benefits for married couples

Sheltering additional funds in a trust means the freedom and independence to vacation, enjoy entertainment and other recreational activities that benefits do not cover, and now qualify for the Medicare Savings Program (at least $164.90 monthly).

*For information on eligibility and qualifications for NYS Medicaid please visit New York State Department of Health or the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD).

*For Supplemental Security Income qualifications, please see

*For information on Supports and Services available to people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities in NYS, please visit the Knowledge Center.

Benefits of a Community Supplemental Needs Trust

  • Managed by non-profit organizations, with a financial institution as co-trustee.
  • While each beneficiary retains their own account of assets, these accounts, often referred to as sub-accounts, are “pooled” for managing and investment purposes.
  • The pooled management of accounts enables highly skilled trustees to combine and manage resources cost-effectively, resulting in lower administrative costs to the beneficiaries.
  • When many sub-accounts are managed together, they have access to a wider array of investment opportunities, including greater diversification, which can reduce risk.
  • Documents already drafted and approved by Medicaid and SSA.
  • Hold assets for exemption from limits to be used as needed for items not covered by Medicaid.
  • Managed by individuals who are well versed in special needs planning, keep abreast of changing benefit rules and are knowledgeable about local services.
  • If an individual with disabilities has no living parent or grandparent, the opportunity to utilize a pooled trust as opposed to working with the courts may be preferable.

Benefits of the My Choice Community Trust (in addition to the above)

  • There are no age limitations.
  • Minimum funding to open an account is $250.
  • Ability set up more than one trust.
  • Once the Joinder Agreement (application) is completed in full, notarized, and submitted, the enrollment process typically takes approximately 1 week.
  • Available throughout NY State

*NOTE Any funds remaining in the account after the passing of the beneficiary will be retained by the trust for the sole purpose of supporting other individuals with disabilities.

Withdrawals and Payments

Funds sheltered in supplemental needs community trusts are intended to supplement the supports and services covered by NY State Medicaid, SSI, or other means-tested government programs. They are intended to enhance the life of the beneficiary and therefore, withdrawals and payments, also known as disbursements, should be requested for direct payment to third parties for items not otherwise covered by government benefits. All withdrawal requests will be reviewed on an individual basis. Approval is at the discretion of the trustees.

confident young woman in front of laptop

Requests must meet the guidelines below:

  • Must benefit the account Beneficiary.
  • Must be accompanied by a bill or invoice in the name of the Beneficiary.
  • Invoices must be clear and indicate that the service is for the Beneficiary.
  • Must be for a legitimate business.
  • Must have incurred within 90 days of the request submission.

Once all of the above items are in order:

  • Complete the appropriate Withdrawal Form (one time or automatic) from the document library on our site.
  • Submit by either option below.

MAIL: Download, print, and mail the completed form with the supporting invoice and/or documentation to:

My Choice Trust
258 Genesee Street, Mezzanine Level Utica, NY 13502

EMAIL: Download the completed and saved form and email this form, along with the supporting invoice(s) and/or documentation to:

Where To Begin

Steps to Establishing an SNT Account

Establishing an account for the My Choice Trust can be handled in a few simple steps as outlined below.

To participate in a Community SNT, the Beneficiary must have a qualifying disability as defined by Social Security. If you are not yet receiving government benefits like SSDI, SSI or Medicaid based on disability, you may need to request disability determination through Medicaid.

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Joinder Agreement (Application for Enrollment)

  • Complete the Joinder Agreement in full, sign, date and have notarized. This is the primary document needed to apply for the SNT account. The Joinder Agreement can be found in our document library below.
  • If signed by Guardian or POA, a copy of the legal document granting authority must be included.
supporting document image

Supporting Documentation

  • Copy of Beneficiary’s Social Security Card, along with SSA Award Letter, or SSA 1099.
  • Copies of any Guardianship or POA paperwork.
  • If the account creation is due to a court order, submit a copy of the order.
  • Minimum $250 to fund the account. (see below)
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Mail or Email Packet

  • Mail to My Choice Trust 258 Genesee St. Mezzanine Level, Utica, NY 13502
  • Or Email to

Funding the account by check or money order:

  1. Submit the above information by mail or email
  2. Mail only the check and the “New Account Deposit Slip” found in our documents section) directly to the bank at: TBD

Funding the account with and electronic deposit:

  1. Gather the above information as directed.
  2. Include a completed electronic deposit slip found below in the document library.
  3. Mail or email all items as directed is step 3 above.
young woman smiling

Once you have an Established Account

A member of our team will contact you to welcome you to the My Choice Trust Family.

We will review the process, walk you through establishing an online portal, if you wish, to view your account at any time, explain online deposits and disbursement requests, and any other items you wish to discuss.


Community or Pooled SNTs are designed to shelter the assets of individuals with disabilities so the funds can be retained to enrich the beneficiary’s quality of life, while protecting eligibility for means-tested government benefits.  The assets held in the trust are not counted towards Medicaid or SSI asset limits.  While each beneficiary has their own funds held in sub-trust account, the collection of sub-trust accounts are pooled together for investment purposes, providing greater opportunity for growth, and reducing administrative fees.

New York State residents of any age, with a disability defined by Social Security Law Section 1614(A)(3) [42 USC §1382C(A)(3)].

Pooling of sub-accounts for investment purposes enables highly skilled trustees with industry relevant expertise, the ability to manage funds cost-effectively, with lower administration costs to the Beneficiary.  Beneficiaries are eligible at any age, documents are already drafted and approved by Medicaid and SSA, assets are sheltered from Medicaid and SSI eligibility limits, practical for smaller estates.

Individuals with I/DD can qualify financially for means-tested government benefits while sheltering excess income/assets for personal and recreational purposes not covered by benefits, providing financial means for the beneficiaries to plan for future wants and needs, and to live their most meaningful lives.

In NYS, 2024:

  • Single individual
    • SSI = $2,000/month
    • Medicaid = $1,732/month
    • Non-Exempt Asset Limits for Medicaid = $31,175
  • Married (both spouses applying)
    • SSI = $3,000/month
    • Medicaid = $2,351/month
    • Non-Exempt Asset Limits for Medicaid = $42,312
  • Married (one spouse applying)
    • Medicaid = $1,732/month (for the applicant)
    • Non-Exempt Asset Limits for Medicaid = $31,175 (applicant) / $154,140 (non-applicant)
  • Medical/dental services (not covered by insurance)
  • Private rehabilitation services
  • Supplementary education assistance
  • Television, cable, computer and internet services
  • Entertainment, vacation, and hobbies
  • A vehicle, vehicle service and repairs, or other transportation services
  • Unlimited travel and entertainment (if unable to travel alone, expenses for a travel companion may be allowed)
  • Pre-paid burial expenses
  • Assistive technology/education expenses
  • Caregiver services
  • Household repairs
  • Mortgage/rent (not for SSI recipients – see below)
  • Groceries (not for SSI recipients – see below)
  • Utilities (not for SSI recipients – see below)
  • Restaurant bills (not for SSI recipients – see below)
  • Clothing (not for SSI recipients – see below)

*IF YOU RECEIVE SSI, PLEASE BE AWARE that payments from the trust towards food, shelter, utilities, or clothing should be avoided as they will be considered “In Kind Support and Maintenance” (ISM) and will reduce SSI payments. Any household good or item purchased by the Trustee for the Beneficiary should not exceed $2,000, as this could be deemed as income to the Beneficiary and could result in and interruption of benefits.

Understanding and differentiating between allowable expenses payable from the SNT and those prohibited can often be confusing. In managing an SNT, it’s essential for the Trustee to steer clear of any actions that could endanger the beneficiary’s eligibility for Medicaid and/or SSI.

Expenses that are not permissible include:

  • Cash or reimbursement to Beneficiary
  • Reimbursement to spouse for rent
  • Gifts or donations (top 3 bullets would count as income and impact income limits)
  • Property expenses not owned by the Beneficiary
  • Life insurance (because it benefits someone other than the beneficiary)
  • Services provided by Medicaid
  • Some medical bills and expenses
  • Overdraft fees and lines of credit
  • Any disbursement after death of Beneficiary

• Mortgage or rent payments
• Property insurance and/or taxes
• Utility bills – gas, electric, heating fuel, water, sewer
• Waste collection
• Credit card bills (in the name of Beneficiary only)
• Groceries
• Any items a parent would be responsible for if under the age of 21

If you receive SSI, payments from the trust towards food, shelter, utilities, or clothing should be avoided as they will be considered “In Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) and will reduce SSI payments. Any household good or item purchased by the Trustee for the Beneficiary should not exceed $2,000, as this could be deemed as income to the Beneficiary and could result in an interruption of benefits.

People who qualify for SSI, a public benefit program, are provided with supplemental income to help cover the cost of such necessities as food, clothing, and shelter. It can also be a way for individuals to obtain access to Medicaid.

• As with SNTs, funds held in ABLE accounts are exempt from eligibility limits for means-tested programs.
• Total contributions are limited to $14,000 per year.
• If the account balance grows to $100,000, SSI will be suspended until the ABLE account balance drops below that level.
• Medicaid eligibility ceases once an account total reaches the state’s limit for its 529 College Savings Plan.
• Medicaid payback requirements apply upon the beneficiary’s death.

The Beneficiary, or their authorized representative will need to fully complete the Joinder Agreement (application for enrollment) found in our Document Library on the website. A completed, signed and Notarized Joinder Agreement along with any supporting documentation (outlined in the agreement) should be mailed or emailed along with a minimum of $250 which will cover the $200 one-time enrollment fee and the first month’s administrative fee.

Once your trust is established, which takes up 5-7 business days, if all documentation is sent in full, you will receive access to the online portal. You can track your account, make disbursement/payment requests, and electronically deposit funds all through the portal. Alternatively, once the account is established, you can submit disbursement request forms by mail when a payment is needed, if you prefer.
There is a one-time enrollment fee of $200, no renewal fees, and low monthly administrative fees, along with a one-time annual fee of $50 for tax preparation. See the Fee Schedule in our document library on our website for more information.
Please see above FAQs regarding what the trust can and cannot pay for.
Please note, the trust can pay toward a Medicaid irrevocable pre-need funeral arrangement during the lifetime of the Beneficiary. All pre-need funeral arrangement should be made in advance as no payments will be made after the death of a beneficiary. The trust will require a copy of the pre-need contract.
Consistent with Federal Statute, upon the death of a Beneficiary, the account is closed, and all payments will cease, including funeral expenses.
Any remainder funds will remain with the trust to benefit other individuals with disabilities.

Document Library

Please click the tiles below to download the document. Once downloaded, you can either fill in electronically and save with a new name to your hard drive or print the document to complete by hand in hard copy. Documents requiring signatures will need to be printed and signed. From there, you can either scan and upload for electronic submission or mail in the hard copy.

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Contact Us

Representatives are available to speak with you Monday through Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm.

If we are not able to take your call, please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

You can also reach us by email at the address below.

We look forward to hearing from you.